Feeling richer in blog buddies but slightly brain-dead this evening I thought I'd share with you some terrific blogs I've run across. And we can thank Sonya over at Dime Store Thrift for getting me there one way or another.
I'm really looking forward to following Apron Thrift Girl on a regular basis, her blog, her site... inspiring. I spent quite some time scouring it all and learning that someone has actually implemented ideas I've had! Oh, what a great thing.
Then there are bloggers like Bohemian Vintage that have terrific finds, and Imperfectly Beautiful with great DIY ideas - I never thought it possible to LOVE a fake pumpkin!

I also really like Thrift Candy and Vintage Rescue Squad if not for the great blog names then they must be doing something right!
Oh, and Found, now home.
The great thing about all of these bloggers is that they (we) all have so much in common. There's the obvious love for vintage but it's apparent that when a girl loves vintage, she loves her home, her family and friends, she loves to cook and to eat and to garden, and there's a simplicity and creativity that is invigorating.
You can thank me later for helping you kill the next three hours.
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