Maybe you couldn't tell from the previous post about MoMA so I'll say it again, beside my friends this museum is up there as my most favorite thing in NYC. Sure it helps that the first thing I saw beside the garden, an oasis between buildings, could have been some kind of ridiculous Estate Sale, but then the second floor was dedicated to Design & Architecture, two on my long list of favorite things! And there was this, a room, four white walls inked with the names and dates of all, or at least most, who have entered.

And then there was every Smiths album cover turned art exhibit...

Some graphics. But I'm a bad, bad girl - no artist names. Oopsy.

And like I said, the second floor.

Notice, it folds - created for PUMA.

Now this... right up my alley.

Okay, if memory serves me right this is a play on today's obsession with security. Whatever it is it's cute, and cute I love - love it!

With a little bit'a foresight I would have taken more pictures of the things I admired but alas I didn't *sad* so I guess you'll have to.
I want that bike!