Even better than vintage resale value is the plethora of designers and manufacturers to be discovered. It's an all too consuming past time that I try to engage in only once in a blue moon, or maybe more like once a week. Lately though I've been on a roll. I guess that's what happens when you kill hours on end online. In the last 24 hours I've discovered two, one of each.
The talented designer Ben Seibel was brought to my attention while reading back blogs posted by Apron Thrift Girl.

It seems she has been a fan of his for years and I'm thrilled to have been turned on to his designs. You can check out her post here.
This new discovery of course led to at least another hour of research on the designer himself and searching Ebay where I discovered two pages of Ben Seibel and various designs. If your interested in learning more about this artist a good place to start is www.abenseibeldesign.com.
And what's a day of searching the net without killing a couple of hours on Criagslist?! Naturally I found many-a-things that I want and hardly-a-thing I should buy. I was however driven to learn about the manufacturer GoodForm when I discovered these beauties.

The website www.pastpresentfuture.net has terrific examples of GoodForm chairs and a little bit-a history to go along with it. It's amazing that these chairs were produced sometime between the 1930's and 1950's. By the looks of them I can only imagine they'll easily last long after we're gone and still look pristine. Can you say... LOVE!

I couldn't resist I'm going to "look" at them, umm... buy them tomorrow. Aren't you excited for me?
what amazing dishes and I love the chair, as well! Great post!