So, I was putzin around my blog roll yesterday trying to get my groove back in this here blog-o-sphere when I came across this post, titled "Return of the Martha Balls" by i suwanee. This spiraled me out of control into the world wide web where I found a couple of fun DIY projects for the holiday season.

I have a vision of my living room covered in "Martha Balls" sometime after the new year. DIY instructions for these Tissue Paper Flower Pom Poms, I like the sound of Martha Balls better, can be found here on Martha Stewart's crafty little website.
Along the way I came across instructions for how to make these Japanese inspired surprise balls. What a fun gift idea for the person who has everything! As you unwind the ball little fun gifts fall out through the layers. Imagine it, you're left with a pile of confetti at your feet - FUN!
I snagged the below photo from fellow blogger Sandra Juto who received one of these as a gift, check out her site for pictures of this lovely ball as it unwinds.

In the instance that you are just too busy to sit down and make one of these or not feeling crafty you can purchase them at Kisok for $45 or at TOPS Malibu, prices vary but are significantly cheaper.
But wait, I'm not done - I told you I got lost in the World Wide Web!

I hate to say it, I really do, but I'm totally crushing on Martha Stewart today. Check out these classic "fabric balls" aka Christmas Ornaments that you can make sans sewing machine. I see in my future Mulled Wine and glue!
Anyone care to join me?!
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