I recently stumbled across a new-to-me blog that I am absolutely loving! I'm loving this blog so much that I spent close to an hour scrolling through old posts. What I love most about Little Green Notebook is her DIY tips, inspirational DIY projects, and her post on these most amazing re-covered classics.

Some of the titles available include: Picture of Dorian Gray, Alices Adventures in Wonderland, Little Women, Crime and Punishment, Emma, Treasure Island and more.
She's even so kind as to have done the research and shared where we can buy them online, and at a discount no less! Indigo books out of Canada is selling them for a mere $14.99 and apparently the dollar is strong somewhere in the world - eh... Canada!
I haven't pulled the trigger just yet but I'm going to, soon. I'm dying to hide these beauties away some place until I have the means to display them just right.
You should check out Little Green Notebooks post on these here if you like what you see, and how couldn't you?
As someone who always judges books by covers, I'm thrilled by these as well!! xx * Jessie B. R.