No matter how hard I try you just can't get me out of bed early enough. It's said by most people that you need to hit the yard sales early, hence why I don't hit them all to often, and the same goes for the flea markets - they even have a special VIP-extra-expensive entrance fee for the early birds. I'm of the school of thought (and I may be the only person who belongs to this school) that it's good to hit up flea markets later in the day, because the later you go the more likely vendors will be to haggle with you on the price, after all they don't want to load it back up and take it home.
Today I packed up and headed to Pasadena's Rose Bowl Flea Market on the early side of noon. The $8 entrance fee allowed access to an overwhelming number of dealers slinging goods, most of it too expensive for me to resell, however a little searching did result in a couple decent deals.
For more information on this condiment tray check it out at
I actually paced around this lamp while waiting to pounce on the above condiment set, and finally decided to haggle the women down from $25 - she took it because "what the hell I don't want to pack it back up".
Also bought a couple of aprons which I have yet to photograph. I'm really excited to see if these will sell at the Antique Station.
Here are some items I passed on up:
Here is an incomplete lot of dishes designed by two different California pottery companies that I'm quite sad I didn't go back for - only $25!
And there you have it, a Sunday after noon.
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